Monday 25 April 2011

Ghost town

Ipswich town centre is a prime example of a town where smaller businesses struggle to survive in a vicious economic climate... all of these photos were taken from one end of the town centre to the other on my walk home. I remember most of these shops being open and its sad to come home for easter and see this level of decline.

Monday 4 April 2011

Tunnel construction

My fellow Colaborators were given the chance recnetly to be part of  a one day arts event in norwich in a disused estate agents on king street. The event 'Shop art live' hosted a wide range of creative people contibuting together to provide the public with a free,family friendly,varid and fresh look into creative practices.

Liam Clark and Guy Jarrett were allocated two rooms in which to create interactive peices of artwork and a room to exhibtit their work further upstairs.
Click here for a short write up by the Norwich fashion blog

The interactive works came into shape of a Tunnel between two doors which lead to a room full of hand painted free standing boxers with holes where the face should be, allowing people to have their photo taken, created by Guy which resemble kitch  seaside photo opportunites.
Liams tunnel was a vision combining the concepts of the films "Where the wild things are" and "Inception" which were both watched in the same sitting. The idea of a sctucture which people had no choice but to interactive with but that catered better to  children due to the low drop in hieght which would reduce most adults to a crawl.
Over the course of a week and a bit the 0ninehundred came together to construct Liam's Tunnel out of Chicken Wire and Paper Mache'.
An enjoyable yet gruling experience.

rather than me telling you every detail heres some photos I feel sum up the experience
Photos of the event to come v.soon