Sunday, 15 May 2011

Brighton Photos

Back at the end of March I made a trip to brighton with my girl for our good friend Charlies birthday.
It was a great weekend. I love brighton and having visted it before I knew roughly were some of the better peices of street art stood. Me and charlie came acorss a skateboarding dog and a very dribbly busker who gave us his own rendition of message to you rudy.
anyway heres some snaps
bit overdue I know but hey.
All manual 35mm 

Birmingham photos

My family and I went on a weekend trip to Brimingham over the royal wedding weekend. Id never been before and found the city a very cultural,diverse and welcoming place to be. beautfilful architechure and stunning street art. Here's a few photos from my trip. I seem to have become very fasinated by looking up.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Morning photos

Since the first of January 2011 ive been documenting my life one day at a time. Every morning I take a photo of myself using a disposeable camera. I chose disposeables because it is more true to life than using a digital process, once the photos taken, its taken. The photos themselves are very true to life in that I often look very sleepy, hungover or in a rush.Ive actually come to find that taking the photo with the flash wakes me up and I don't know quite how il manage without it next year.
I plan on exhibting all the photographs next January within my art school.
Heres some photos of the result so far.