Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Some tips for analog photography

Having recently sent another digital camera to the graveyard due to a classic lens malfunction Ive happily been snapping with my SLR again ( new photos up when i can afford to get them developed) having recntly moved out of my first student house and currently stockpiling all my possesions in the shed back home ive taken the time to condense my stuff.
I sorted all my films over the last few years and put them in a trunk, I have no idea how much jessops have made out of me ( btw id say snappy snaps is the place to go for film now..and for didgital ASDA)
Anyway getting to the point, id very much like to share some tips about simply taking photos.

  1. Only use your flash if nessesary
  2. Always carry a spare film ( you never know what you might encounter)
  3. With stationary subjects really take your time to find a creative angle
  4. Don't be afraid to take photos of strangers
  5. Try shooting in black and white ( buy a C41 film, inless you have acess to darkroom facilties) Black and white aids you to understand how important contrast is
  6. Take your time
  7. Aim to be conservative with your photos, scan around and see if you cant better the shot.
  8. Learn from your mistakes, sometimes mistakes are lucky
  9. When taking portraits, focus up, hold tight and wait for that moment when they crack and natural smile ( or whatever expression your going for) dont click and hope ( unless your drunk)
  10. Get people invloed, pick a theme, something that links the photos as a series
  11. Look up.
  12. Vary your focal lengths, change what you focus on, zoom in and out, hold your camera steady as you possibly can
  13. Share your work, get some feedback
Have fun.